Baoyu LI

MSCS student, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Desk: RM 1103, Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science
Email: baoyul2 at illinois dot edu

Google Scholar / GitHub / LinkedIn / Twitter

I am a second-year M.S. (research-oriented) student in Computer Science at UIUC, advised by Prof. Kris Hauser and Prof. Yunzhu Li. Prior to this, I obtained my bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Statistics with Highest Distinction from UIUC, fortunately working with Prof. Tarek Abdelzaher.

I am looking for a Ph.D. position in Robot Learning starting from Fall 2025! 🤖🎓

Research | News | Publications | Honors | Teaching


My research interests mainly lie on Robot Learning and Open-World Robotics.

Specifically, I aim to develop a useful, robust, and life-long robotic system that is (1) generalizable across diverse scenarios (e.g. instances, envionrments, embodiments, and tasks); (2) adaptable to unseen domains efficiently through and for physical interactions; and (3) deployable in the REAL 3D unstructured world safely.

To this end, I am currently working on:

Recent News


*: Equal contribution. See also my Google Scholar profile for the most recent publications.

Selected Honors
